

The Container component provides a simplified interface for managing layout using CSS flex properties.


onClickcallbackCalled when container is clicked
directionrow column row-reverse column-reverserowThe primary axis to use when laying out children elements. Corresponds to the css property flex-direction (opens in a new tab)
justifycenter start end flex-start flex-end left rightleftHow to space children elements on the primary axis. Corresponds to the css property justify-content (opens in a new tab)
aligncenter start end flex-start flex-end self-start self-endstartHow to space children elements on the secondary axis. Corresponds to the css property align-items (opens in a new tab)
gapnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdSpacing between each child element inside the container
paddingnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding between button border and content, and between button text and icons
paddingHornone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on left and right
paddingVernone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on top and bottom
paddingTopnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on top
paddingRgtnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on right
paddingBotnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on bottom
paddingLftnone xs sm md lg xl xxl xxxlmdPadding on left
childrenStringThe label of the button. If empty, button assumes a square aspect ratio (icon-only)
styleObjectCustom css styles that are applied to the container. Uses React inline styling (opens in a new tab)